Monday, September 16, 2024

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃

No tengan nada que ver con las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien denúncienlas. ~ Efesios 5:11

Recuerdo que en los años 80, los disfraces de plástico a juego con una cara de plástico que apenas podías ver o respirar y una goma detrás de las orejas, con tu hermano y tus amigos tirando de la goma y golpeándote la cara, parecían divertidos en los primeros días de mi infancia. El disfraz de plástico largo que se te quedaba pegado en la piel después de sudar. Recuerdo tener disfraces de plástico de la Mujer Maravilla y la Mujer Biónica. ¿Alguien se siente identificado? 

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃
Sorprendentemente, no comía tantos dulces como la mayoría de los niños normales. A medida que me hago mayor, no me gustan los dulces, prefiero mi queso cheddar extra fuerte favorito y aceitunas que un caramelo duro. Me encanta el chocolate negro :) Para la mayoría de los niños, "Halloween" es la mejor época del año porque es cuando los niños pueden comer más dulces que nunca. En aquel entonces, tus padres te daban un dulce y guardaban el resto durante una semana entera. Solo se te permitía comer dulces después de comer toda la cena y hacer la tarea. Lo más importante, tu habitación tenía que estar limpia y ordenada si querías ganar un dulce por día. En esta generación, tienes padres e hijos contando las calorías, la grasa y los azúcares. Creo firmemente que si los niños tuvieran el conocimiento del origen de "Halloween", no celebrarían un día tan malvado. La mayoría de las personas siguen sus tradiciones familiares sin ninguna verdad o conocimiento. Muchos no nacidos cristianos creen en muchas supersticiones y/o todavía practican los rituales y tradiciones paganas de sus padres. "La verdad os hará libres" (Juan 8:32).
Muchos de nosotros hemos luchado contra maldiciones generacionales. Si tu familia sirvió a otros dioses y te enseñó tradiciones que todavía sigues, necesitas ayunar, orar, renunciar y arrepentirte. Puedo entenderlo. Créeme, este es mi testimonio. Todas las cosas ayudan a bien a los que aman a Dios. “No te inclinarás a ellas ni las honrarás; porque yo soy el Señor tu Dios, un Dios celoso, que visito la iniquidad de los padres en los hijos hasta la tercera y cuarta generación de los que me aborrecen, y hago misericordia hasta mil generaciones de los que me aman y guardan mis mandamientos” (Éxodo 20:5-6). 

No importaba si Halloween caía en un día de escuela o no, la mayoría de los niños no usaban sus disfraces para ir a la escuela y no había ninguna presión sobre quién tenía el disfraz más espeluznante. En ese entonces, se instruía que estuvieras en casa antes del anochecer y antes de que los niños mayores salieran. Esta fue la década en la que la manipulación del Tylenol condujo a los sellos de seguridad que ahora vemos en los medicamentos. Cómo los envenenamientos por Tylenol de 1982 casi cancelaron Halloween después de que las desafortunadas muertes de siete personas en el área de Chicago por pernos manipulados llevaron a un retiro masivo y generaron temores en torno a los envenenamientos por dulces. Los padres se aseguraron de que no se entregaran golosinas dudosas. Afortunadamente, los eventos de "Halloween" se cancelaron debido a la pandemia de Covid-19. A veces, me pregunto; Si alguna vez otra pandemia sacudiría, despertaría a la iglesia. "Y no den lugar al diablo" (Efesios 4:27).  Esto no significa que Halloween no fuera tan malvado como lo es ahora. El mal era mal entonces, y hoy ese mal simplemente se ha multiplicado.

La celebración de Halloween tiene raíces paganas y no deberíamos ser parte de esas celebraciones malvadas. En cambio, deberíamos ayunar y orar porque esta nación necesita a Jesús. Necesito a Jesús más que nunca. No quieres que las puertas de tu casa estén abiertas. Disfrazarse como un demonio o una personalidad encantada puede parecer inocente y divertido para muchos, pero en realidad es la aceptación de todo mal. “Pero temo que, así como Eva fue engañada por la astucia de la serpiente, los sentidos de ustedes de alguna manera sean extraviados de la sincera devoción a Cristo” (2 Corintios 11:3).

De niño no tenía ningún conocimiento del mundo espiritual, ni tampoco lo tenían mis padres. Mis padres eran católicos con un gran candado de Conocimiento. “Mi pueblo fue destruido por falta de conocimiento. “Por cuanto ustedes rechazaron el conocimiento, yo también los rechazaré como mis sacerdotes; por cuanto ustedes ignoraron la ley de su Dios, yo también ignoraré a sus hijos” (Oseas 4:8). No podemos hablar de luz y oscuridad en el mismo asunto. Hay un significado en separar oscuridad y luz. “Porque en otro tiempo estábamos en tinieblas, pero ahora ustedes son luz en el Señor. Anden como hijos” (Efesios 5:8).


Nací en septiembre, cuando vemos los últimos días del verano y los primeros del otoño. Las hermosas hojas caen y cambian sus hermosos colores. Me casé el 1 de noviembre. Muchos me decían: “te vas a casar el “día de los muertos”, otros decían: “¿por qué tu dama de honor tiene colores de muerta?” “Maridos, amad a vuestras mujeres, así como Cristo amó a la iglesia” (Efesios 5:25). “Por esto dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer, y los dos serán una sola carne. Así que ya no son dos, sino una sola carne. Por tanto, lo que Dios juntó, no lo separe el hombre” (Mateo 19:4-6).

El mundo llama a este día “el Día de Todos los Santos”. Me encanta ver los cambios del verano al otoño. Me encanta ver cómo cambian de color los árboles. Me encanta la estación porque a mi hija y a mí nos encanta decorar nuestra casa. Nos encantan los sabores del café que acompañan a la estación. En cuanto llega octubre al calendario, todo lo que podemos ver son decoraciones espeluznantes y exhibiciones desbordantes de dulces aparentemente por todas partes. 

Halloween tiene un origen cristiano como todo lo demás. Nací en Brooklyn, Nueva York. Sé que la historia y los orígenes de “Halloween” se celebran de muchas formas diferentes por todo tipo de personas en todo el mundo. Tradicionalmente, se conocía como “All Hallows’s”. Hay mucho paganismo que se ha asociado con Halloween a lo largo de los años. Hay tanta maldad y oscuridad. Hay vandalismo, incendios provocados, bromas destructivas y glorificación de la sensualidad, la muerte y muchos demonios que son una fuerte oposición al fruto del espíritu. (Gálatas 5:19-23). ​​Todos los predicadores que promueven prácticas modernas cuestionables deben despertar antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Muchos investigadores afirmaron que la festividad se remonta a unos 2000 años. El festival pagano llamado “Samhain” para honrar a los muertos implicaba la ofrenda de grandes sacrificios de cultivos y animales. Hay muchas referencias a las tierras celtas conquistadas por los romanos. Bajo el dominio romano, el día de “Samhain” estaba influenciado por los festivales romanos. Había dos tipos de festividades. Una se llamaba “Pomona” y la otra “Feralia”, ambas eran el día romano de los muertos que se celebraba a finales de octubre. El Papa Bonifacio IV creó el “Día de Todos los Santos” y el Papa Gregorio III trasladó más tarde la festividad al 1 de noviembre. Un par de años más tarde, la “Víspera de Todos los Santos”, la iglesia romana convirtió el 2 de noviembre en el “Día de los Fieles Difuntos” en honor a los muertos. ¿Te suena familiar? 

¿Tienes algún familiar que celebre el día de los muertos? Todos podemos identificarnos. Necesitamos seguir orando; creer que Dios tiene el poder de romper todas las cadenas. “¿No es este tipo de ayuno que yo escogí: soltar las cadenas de iniquidad y desatar las cuerdas del yugo, poner en libertad a los oprimidos y romper todo yugo?” (Isaías 58:6) Hasta hoy, los irlandeses, escoceses y toda Europa este es un gran día de festividades. Muchos cristianos protestantes celebran el Día de la Reforma. México tiene (El día de los muertos), los guatemaltecos tienen (el día de los muertos), Brasil (Finado) (Día de los Muertos), Bolivia (Día de las Calaveras), China (Festival de los Fantasmas), Japón (O born o simplemente bon), Vietnam (Festival de los Fantasmas Tet Trung), Corea (Chuseok o Hangawi) antepasados ​​fallecidos, Nepal (Gia Jatra), Filipinas (día de los muertos Araw ng mga Yumao) que significa aquellos que han muerto; en este día sus tumbas son limpiadas y repintadas. En Puerto Rico el 1 de noviembre también se celebra el (día de muertos) entre otros días paganos, la República Dominicana celebra el (día de muertos) el 1 de noviembre. 

Para los estadounidenses, se ha vuelto extremadamente comercial. Creo que “Halloween” ha pasado de ser disfraces inocentes y dulces a una atracción mucho más malvada y directa hacia todas las cosas horribles y paganas. Sin duda, esta nación se ha alejado de Dios hace mucho tiempo. Esta nación necesita a Dios. Necesitamos a Dios. Nuestros hijos y nuestra familia necesitan a Dios urgentemente. Halloween se centró en raíces que están en tradiciones paganas, se centró en fantasmas y brujas. Hay muchas denominaciones que celebran lo que llaman “Trunk and Treat”. Esto puede hacer que muchos cristianos como yo nos sintamos muy incómodos, ya que hay muchos que se esfuerzan por predicar la verdad y llevar a muchos a los pies de Jesucristo.

Estoy en total desacuerdo con este tema de baúl y trato. La iglesia está perdiendo el punto y la verdad del evangelio. El enemigo ha estado tomando el control de la ignorancia y la ceguera espiritual de la iglesia. “El dios de este siglo cegó a los incrédulos, para que no les resplandezca la luz del evangelio de la gloria de Cristo, el cual es la imagen de Dios” (2 Corintios 4:4). 

Cuando se mezclan la oscuridad y la luz, se puede participar en actividades que parecen inofensivas o divertidas pero que tienen orígenes siniestros. Jesús amaba a los niños. Pero, Jesús no tenía la intención de llevar el evangelio a los niños celebrando “Halloween” o “Trunk and Treat” para tener la inocencia de los niños dándoles dulces para que asistieran a la iglesia. No necesitamos darles dulces a estos niños sin hablar sobre los verdaderos orígenes demoníacos. Esta nunca fue la intención de Jesús. Jesús dijo: “Dejad que los niños vengan a mí y no se lo impidáis, porque el reino de los cielos es de los que son como ellos” (Mateo 19:14).

Estas celebraciones han llevado a confusión en cuanto a la espiritualidad. He estado hablando durante tanto tiempo. Es hora de despertar. No queda tiempo para dormir. “Despierta”. La iglesia estableció el “Día de Todos los Santos” el 1 y 2 de noviembre, el “Día de los Difuntos”, un día destinado a que la gente rece por los que han muerto. Europa desarrolló sus propias costumbres de Halloween. 

“No sacrifiques a tu hijo ni a tu hija, ni practiques magia ni brujería, ni adivines, ni hagas encantamientos, ni hables con los espíritus de los muertos” (Deuteronomio 18:10-12). Varias creencias sobre fantasmas y brujas vinieron de Inglaterra. En el siglo XIX, muchos inmigrantes de Irlanda y Escocia llegaron a los Estados Unidos e introdujeron su “Halloween”. “No participen en las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien, reprendedlas” (Efesios 5:11-16). Dios ha estado revelando mucho sobre el arrepentimiento. Cuando predico, quienes me conocen a mí y a mis mensajes no son muy acogedores en las iglesias. No endulzo las cosas. No soy un orador motivacional. Mis mensajes de Instagram no tienen demasiados “me gusta”. “Nunca entrará en ella nada inmundo, ni nadie que haga lo que es vergonzoso y engañoso, sino solo aquellos cuyos nombres están escritos en el libro de la vida del Cordero” (Apocalipsis 21). Predico la verdad. Predico el amor de Dios y su fuego consumidor. Últimamente, mis mensajes son para quienes predicamos el evangelio. El mensaje es para la iglesia. ¡Jesús viene! ¡  Necesitamos arrepentimiento! 

Hemos escuchado este mensaje por mucho tiempo. Dios es luz, y en él no hay ningunas tinieblas (1 Juan 1:3). Santos, sigamos proclamando este evangelio en espíritu y en verdad. Me pregunto qué pasó con la reverencia hacia Dios. Practicar y participar en las cosas malas de este mundo puede llevar a que se abran muchas puertas. Como pueden ver, Estados Unidos le ha dado la espalda a Dios y ahora estamos enfrentando grandes consecuencias. Sin embargo, esto es solo el comienzo porque empeorará y todos tendremos que enfrentar el juicio. Su casa debe ser un lugar de oración y adoración. “Jesús dijo que el templo debía ser una casa de oración para todas las naciones” (Marcos 11:17). 

En conclusión,

¿Debería la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃 La respuesta es no. 7 de cada diez estadounidenses que afirmaban ser cristianos ahora celebran Halloween. Los estadounidenses gastan más de 9 millones de dólares al año en Halloween. “Halloween” significa (la noche anterior al Día de Todos los Santos) o (Día de Todos los Santos). Halloween es el nombre abreviado de All Halloween, (Noche de Todos los Santos) y (Víspera de Todos los Santos). Su origen y significado se derivan del celta antiguo. El truco o trato originalmente era como “Adorar” a muchos niños que iban casa por casa y decían oraciones a los muertos. “Cuando entres en la tierra que el Señor tu Dios te da, no aprendas a imitar las abominaciones de las naciones que están allí. No se encuentre en ti quien haga pasar a su hijo o a su hija por el fuego, ni practique adivinación ni hechicería, ni interprete agoreros ni practique hechicería” (Deuteronomio 18:9-10).

Vengo a ti en nombre de mi familia y mis antepasados ​​​​y en nombre de esta nación y me arrepiento de cualquier pecado que nuestros antepasados ​​​​cometieron contra ti. Reconocemos patrones que destruyen tu propósito. Declaramos el poder y la sangre de Jesús. Renuncio y me arrepiento de las tendencias pecaminosas de las tradiciones, rituales, fornicación, adulterio, aborto, lujuria, pereza, depresión, mentira, celos, ira, rabia, amargura, odio, racismo. Yo, renunciamos perdónanos por seguir a nuestros antepasados. Somos libres. Hoy nos volvemos a ti. Lava nuestros pecados. Escribe nuestros nombres en el libro del cordero. Señor, rompe todas las maldiciones generacionales; Señor, libéranos, líbranos. Jesús te amamos. Te necesitamos. Gracias por tu amor, favor, misericordia y gracia. Gracias por morir por nosotros. Gracias por traer salvación a nuestra familia. Bendice este blog; Butterfly by Grace “Blog de mamá e hija” Bendice a todos los que leen este blog En el nombre de Jesús oramos. Amén

Should the church celebrate Halloween? 🎃

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deed of darkness, but rather expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:11

I remember back in the 80s the plastic matching costumes with a plastic face that you could barely see or breathe and a rubber behind your ears, having your brother and friends pulling the rubber and hitting your face, seemed fun in the earlier days of my childhood. The long plastic costume that would get stuck in your skin after sweating. I remember  having wonder woman and the bionic woman plastic costumes. Can anyone relate? 

Surprisingly, I did not eat as much candy as most normal kids. I don't really love candy the older I get I rather have my favorite extra sharp cheddar and olives than a hard candy.  I love dark chocolate:) For most children “Halloween” is the best time of the year because; it is when children can eat the most candy ever.  Back then, your parents would give you one candy and put away the rest for an entire week. You were only allowed to eat candy after eating all your dinner and doing homework. Most importantly, your room had to be clean and organized if you wanted to earn a candy per day. In this generation, you have parents and children counting the calories, fat and sugars. I strongly believe that if children will have the knowledge of the origin of “Halloween” they won't be celebrating such an evil day. Most people follow their family traditions without any truth or knowledge.  Many  not born Christians believe in many superstitions and or still practice their parents rituals and pagan traditions. “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

Many of us have fought generational curses. If your family served other gods and taught you traditions that you are still following; you need to fast, pray, renounce and repent. I can relate. Believe me, this is my testimony.  All things work together for good to them that love God. “You shall not bow to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, and a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:5-6). 

It did not matter if Halloween fell on a school day or not, most kids didn't wear their costumes to school and there wasn't any pressure of who had the spookiest costume.  Back then, you were instructed to be home before dark and before the big kids were out.  This was the decade in which Tylenol tampering led to the safety seals we now see on medications. How the 1982 Tylenol poisonings nearly canceled Halloween after the unfortunate deaths of seven people in  the Chicago area from tampered bolts led to massive recall and generated fears around candy poisonings. Parents made sure that treats were not dubiously  given out. Graciously, “Halloween” events were canceled through the Covid-19 pandemic. Sometimes, I wonder; If another pandemic would ever shake up, wake up the church. “And give no opportunity to  the devil” (Ephesians 4:27). This doesn't mean that Halloween wasn't as evil as it is now. Evil was evil back then, and today that evil has just multiplied as much.

Halloween celebration has pagan roots and we should not be part of such evil celebrations. Instead, we should fast and pray because this nation needs Jesus. I need Jesus more than ever. You do not want doors open in your house. Dressing up like a demon or enchanted personality might seem innocent and  fun for many but in reality it’s acceptance to all evil. “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ(2 Corinthians 11:3).

As a child I didn't have any knowledge of the spiritual world neither did my parents. My parents were Catholic with a huge lock of Knowledge. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children” (Hosea 4:8). We can not talk about light and darkness in the same matter. There is a significance of separating darkness and light. “For at one time we were in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children”(Ephesians 5:8)

I was born in September where we see the last days of summer and the first of fall. The beautiful leaves fall and change their beautiful colors. I was married on November 1st. Many told me “you are getting married on the “day of the dead” others said: “why your bridesmaid colors of dead? “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, (Ephesians 5:25). “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Mathew 19:4-6).

The world calls this day “All Saints Day”. I love to see the changes from summer into autumn. I love to see how the trees change colors. I love the season because me and my daughter love to decorate our home. Love the coffee flavors that come with the season. As soon as October hits the calendar all we can see is spooky decorations to overflowing candy displays seemingly everywhere. 

Halloween has a Christian origin like everything else. I was born in Brooklyn, New York. I know that the history and origins of “Halloween” is celebrated in many different ways by all sorts of people around the world. Traditionally, it was known as “All Hallows’s”. There is so much paganism that has been associated with Halloween over the years. There is so much evil and darkness. There is vandalism; arson; destructive pranks; and glorification of sensuality, death, and many demons are strong  opposition to the fruit of the spirit. (Galatians 5:19-23).  All preachers who promote questionable modern practices need to wake up before it is too late. Many researchers claimed that the holiday can be traced to about 2,000 years. The pagan festival named “Samhain” to honor the dead involved the offering of large sacrifices of crops and animals. There is much reference to the Roman conquered Celtic lands. Under Roman rule, the day of “Samhain” was influenced by the Roman festivals. There were two kinds of festival. One was called  “Pomona” and the other “Feralia” both the Roman day of the dead celebrated at the end of October. Pope Boniface IV created “All Saint’s Day” and Pope Gregory III later moved the holiday to November 1st. “All Hallow Evening” a couple of years later, the Roman church made November 2nd “All Souls Day” honor to the dead.  Sounds familiar? 

Do you have any family members who celebrate the day of death? We can all relate. We need to continue praying; believe that God has the power to break all the chains. “Is not this kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6) Until today the Irish, Scots, and all Europe this is a big day of festivities. Many protestant Christians celebrate Reformation Day. Mexico they have (El dia de los muertos), Guatemalans has the (day of dead), Brazilian (Finado) (Day of Dead), Bolivia (Day of Skulls), Chinese (Ghost Festival), Japanese (O born or merely bon), Vietnam (Ghost festival Tet Trung), Korea (Chuseok or Hangawi) deceased ancestors, Nepal (Gia Jatra), Philippines (day of dead Araw ng mga Yumao) meaning those who have died; on this day their tombs are cleaned and repainted. In Puerto Rico, November 1st also celebrates the( day of the dead) among other pagan days, the Dominican Republic celebrates the (day of dead) on November 1st. 

For Americans, It has become extremely commercialized. I believe that “Halloween” has shifted from innocent costumes and candy to a much more evil and pointed attraction to all things hideous and pagan.  Undoubtedly, this nation has turned away from God way long ago. This nation needs God. We need God. Our children and family need God urgently. Halloween focused on roots that are in pagan traditions, focused on ghosts and witches. There are many denominations that are celebrating what they call “Trunk and Treat”. This can make many Christian as myself very uncomfortable since there are many who strive to preach the truth and bring many to the feet of Jesus Christ. I am in total disagreement with this trunk and treat theme. The church is missing the point and truth of the gospel. The enemy has been taking control of the ignorance and spiritual blindness of the church. “The god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them (2 Corinthians 4:4). 

When you are mixing darkness and light could involve participating in activities that seem harmless or fun but have sinister origins. Jesus loved children. But, Jesus did not intend to bring the gospel to children by celebrating “Halloween” or “Trunk and Treat” to have the  innocence of children by giving them candy so that they attend church.  We don't need to give these kids candy without talking about the true demonic origins. This was never Jesus' intention. Jesus said: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Mathew 19:14)

Such celebrations have led to confusion regarding spirituality. I have been talking for such a long time. It's time to wake up. There is no time left to sleep. “Wake up”. The church established “All Saint Day” on November 1st and November 2nd “All Souls Day” ;this day was set aside for people to pray for those who died. Europe developed their own Halloween customs. 

“Don’t sacrifice your son or daughter. And don’t try to use any kind of magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes or to cast spells or to talk with spirits of the dead”(Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Various beliefs about ghosts and witches came from England. In the 1800s many immigrants from Ireland and Scotland arrived in the United States and introduced their “Halloween”. “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them”(Ephesians 5:11-16).  God has been revealing much about repentance. When I preach, those who know me and my messages are not too welcoming in churches.  I don't sugar coat. I am not a motivational speaker. My Instagram messages don't have too many likes. “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in Lamb's book of life”(Revelation 21). I preach the truth. I preach the love of God and his consuming fire. Lately, my messages are for those of us who preach the gospel. The message is for the church. Jesus is coming! We need repentance! 

We have heard this message for too long now. God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:3). Saints let’s continue to proclaim this gospel in spirit and truth. I wonder what happened to the reverence for God. Practicing and participating in the evil things of this world might lead to many open doors.  As you can see how the United States has turned their back on God and now we are facing big consequences. Yet, this is just the beginning because it will get worse and we will all have to face judgment. Your house should be a place of prayer and worship. “Jesus said that the temple was to be a house of prayer for all nations”(Mark 11:17). 

In Conclusion,

Should the church celebrate Halloween? 🎃 The answer is no. 7 in ten Americans who claimed Christians now celebrate Halloween. Americans spend over 9 million dollars annually in Halloween. “Halloween” means (the evening before All Hallows Day) or (All Saint’s Day). Halloween is the shortened name of All Halloween, (All Hallows Evening) and (All Saints Eve). Its origin and meaning are derived from ancient Celtic. Trick or treat was originally as “Souling” many kids going house by house and saying prayers to the dead. “When you enter the land of the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nation there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft” ( Deuteronomy 18:9-10).

We as Christians need to reject and continue to preach the truth even if we are not accepted. Jesus was not accepted.  His disciple betrayed him. His disciples doubt even after walking with Jesus for 3 years 1/2. “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of Lord and the table of demons”. (1 Corinthians 10:21).  We are living the last days and we need to pay attention to the signs. Stand firm, be sober, the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. You must continue to pray and stay firm. Be watchful, we do not know the day nor the time. “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Romans 13:12). “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you”. ( James 4:7).  

Lets pray,

Father God, we repent. We have been spiritually blind. We have been deceived. We need you Jesus. We pray for this nation; we pray for you to please heal our land. We pray for every leader that has been blinded, from the truth to be awakened. We pray to you Lord, for you to open the eyes of the blind; so that they may see the true gospel. We surrender to you. We cancel all demonic Halloween traditions. I come to you on behalf of my family and my ancestors and on behalf of this nation and repent for any sin that our ancestors committed against you. We recognize patterns that destroy your purpose. We declare the power and the blood of Jesus. I renounce and repent of sinful tendencies of traditions, rituals, fornication, adultery, abortion, lust, laziness, depression, lying, jealousy, anger, rage, bitterness, hatred, racism, I, we renounce and repent. We pray against the sin of alcohol and drugs of any kind in my family and in anyone reading this blog.  We repent and renounce any false religion, witchcraft, occultism, astrology, yoga, fortune telling in the name of Jesus. I repent and renounce all Judgementalism, pride, criticism, depression out, poverty, rejection and perfectionism. I, we claim authority over all physical disease and sickness that plague me or anyone reading this blog in the name of Jesus. We pray for anyone sick with Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, high cholesterol, and declare the blood of Jesus. I declare any evil against my family, friends, or anyone reading this blog any evil, any curse now be broken in the name of Jesus. Father God, we renounce any accusation, any false testimony,  any shame, we renounce and declare the blood of Jesus for anyone who is against me, my family,  or anyone reading this blog; no false weapon formed against me shall prosper. We pray for our future leader of this nation. We pray for your will to be done. We repent. We ask for forgiveness. We turn away from sin. We renounce any spiritual blindness and spirit of python, we declare the awaken of the church in the name of Jesus. We thank you for listening to our prayer. Father, your word says: that if we pray and repent you will heal our land. I ask you to please heal our nation. Father, forgive us for following our ancestors. We are free. Today we turn to you. Wash away our sins. Write our names in the book of the lamb.  Lord, break all generational curses; Lord set us free, deliver us. Jesus we love you. We need you. Thank you for your love, favor, mercy and grace. Thank you for dying for us. Thank you for bringing salvation to our family. Bless this blog; Butterfly by Grace “Mommy and daughter blog” Bless everyone who reads this blog In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Find Rest!

 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.~ Hebrews 4:10 

Find Rest!

Overcommitted and overwhelmed. Anxious and restless. Waking up and going to work in the emergency department. Not getting enough rest.  Listening to the everyday noise of this world can be very exhausting and overwhelming.  Listening to the toxic daily news. Unfortunately, we are always busy, stressed and with lack of sleep. We plan our day, meals, clothes but  we don't plan our daily devotion and prayer time with God.  When our spiritual batteries are very low, life dissolves into frustration, burnout and wasted effort. 

We are seeing how toxic and how much noise there is. Everyday there is a bomb threat all over the world. There is so much hate, anger and bitterness. Our nation needs to turn to God.  As parents we worry about how safe our children are in school. We are worrying about election day. We fear that this will be World War II. We worry for our elders, our little ones and we worry that any catastrophic event may occur. We are seeing the prophetic signs. We are seeing how our nation turns their back on God. We are seeing the haters effect. We are seeing the effects of sin.  No matter who your vote is for; remember the importance of praying for both leaders.  God is sovereign and he is still king! 

In the bible, rest is more than absence of work. When the Lord says: “Be Still” means do nothing and just wait. To be still is to trust. To be still means do nothing in the middle of your steadiness and unshaken faith.  Rest demonstrates where we place our trust.  Rest is a promise with fuller future fulfillment.  Successful women in ministry recognize the importance of rest.  Today I pray for everyone reading this blog; who needs rest. I pray that you may find rest in God.  Remember the world is not resting; we need to find rest for our spirit and body. Our rest is found in only God. He is the only way. Let's not be so busy that his return takes us by surprise and looking. Let's pray.  

Father God, we love you. Father, we pray for anyone who needs rest. Lord, there are so many people about to give up, they are exhausted, they are about to quit. Father, please help them. Lord pour out your spirit. Lord, many people are exhausted, while others are depending on sleeping pills, anxiety medications. Lord, we proclaim your promises. You said you will not leave us nor forsake us. Lord help us understand that the darkness people feel is simply the shadow of your wing, let them rest in you. Tonight I declare anyone reading will find rest, will sleep knowing that you are Jesus king. Lord, Please let them know that there is only rest in you. Let them know that no matter who wins the election you are still king. In praying for the protection of our children as they go to school, we declare the blood of Jesus. We declare the blood of Jesus over this nation, the blood of Jesus in our home. No weapon forged against you will prevail in the name of Jesus. Amen

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A New Nurse Appointed God's timing in the ER!

 A New Nurse Appointed Gods timing in the ER

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  ~Colossians 3:23-24

I have read so many times about new nurses' discouragement and unhappiness in their first year; I have never thought that I would be writing about my journey as a new nurse resident in the emergency department. I pray that any nurse, new or old, would be edified by this blog Butterfly by Grace “Mommy and daughter" blog.  

In a conducted survey regarding newly graduated nurses readiness to practice in the hospital setting, only 10% of nurses executives believed that new graduate nurses were fully prepared to practice safely and effectively. Many new nurses agreed that they lack confidence and adequate skills for up to a year or two after graduation.  Many new nurses all around the world express disillusionment about scheduling, lack of autonomous practice, and the lack of intrinsic and extrinsic workplace rewards. New nurses report dissatisfying relationships with peers, managers, and inter professional colleagues and insufficient time with patients. The American Nurse Association (ANA) wrote recently an article on (End Nurse Abuse). Their article focuses on new nurses being bullied by the old nurses. The Nursing administration also wrote an article title: “Our Own Worst Enemies The Nurse Bullying Epidemic”. Working in a secular job can be a true challenge but not impossible. “With God all things are possible”.  For a believer nurse, prayer is crucial, prayer is key. Prayer is the only tool that works. 

Everyone has a story about why they chose to become a nurse. Without a doubt, nursing is a profession of service to others. It can be an expression of the Christian faith. As a nurse, patients put their care in our hands.  I have always prayed for God to grant me knowledge and wisdom, especially to help me remember the true purpose of my vocation.  My focus is to be patient-centered care, inspired by the qualities of Christ and influenced by the presence of the holy spirit. Patients are in their most vulnerable states and need nothing more than to be in a warm and welcoming environment that is free from added and unnecessary stress. The need to feel that they are safe. 

In this day and age, talking about God and asking about someone's faith is sometimes seen as offensive. I was an emergency tech about 1 year before I became a registered nurse. I would get home exhausted around 8 a.m to sleep and do it all over again for the next two days. It was  difficult to work a shift that I have never worked as a new nurse to learn and train. My faith has been shaken. Faith is not faith unless it is touched. I still glorify God for my job.  I was happy until I became a registered nurse in the emergency department. I can not imagine one day without prayer. Going to work was like going to war. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil”. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil”. I lost 20 pounds. I was so discouraged. It became a real fight.  I remember taking a minute in the bathroom to just cry out.  I even doubt my calling to be a nurse.  As a new nurse you should not be expected to know everything.  I was an emergency tech before so I have struggled to delegate to my co-workers who now see me as a nurse.  I was coming to work and already feeling the burn out from not delegating. I was doing my patients EKGs on chest pain, instead of delegating to our techs or asking for help.

I was drowning. The people who are called “preceptors" need to remain with fear of the Lord. They need to remember that once, they were in our shoes too.  They need to be compassionate and lawful.  I will protect my license with my life. I work very hard to become a registered nurse. I will continue to face many challenges; but I will remain faithful to God. I will always be a faithful  and prudent nurse.

As a former tech we know that chest pain takes priority.  When I was a tech, no one needed to tell me that my patient needs an EKG because I already knew that this could be an ST-elevation myocardial infarction code (STEMI).  I was feeling the burn out and the discouragement.  Many new nurses all around the world are facing some kind of discrimination by nurse leaders or old nurses eating up the new nurses, because they expect you to know it all. As a new nurse you should not have to feel that you're locked in a cage with lions. “He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge”. You are not alone. I know I felt at one point abandoned and alone. I couldn't trust not even those in higher positions. We really are living the last days. “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace”.  Be strong and let your heart take courage.  

I learned that prayer kept me going. Without prayer I have probably become one of our emergency department confused patients. They really took the best of me. I was given the opportunity to resign and I humbly did. “What you meant for evil., God turned for my good! The emergency department is my passion. I am still an emergency department nurse. I learned that prayer is meant to change your heart. Nurses have a profound potential to stop this injustice before it worsens. We need leaders who can advocate for justice. One of the often overlooked areas in which nurses are influential is helping to address injustice. Everyone seems to be so scared to address injustice. God’s view of injustice is clear; he hates and renounces it because injustice perverts his world.  Yes injustice is the unjustified treatment of others through false accusations or unnecessarily inflicting pain or punishment. “ Let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the Lord our God”. I pray for leaders to get wisdom, grace, humility, truthfulness, safety, health, and most importantly, salvation.  

God brought Israel out of exile, and he will bring us out of exile too. Life may not unfold how we expected, but if we find ourselves in a toxic place where you are not being appreciated, we can still trust God has equipped every nurse not only to survive but thrive. If you are not feeling welcome, If you are not feeling loved or appreciated; keep praying and let God judge them. When those false accusations arise, keep calm and turn it to God. “Better is a little with righteousness than great with injustice”.  Never stop doing what you can not go one minute without thinking about it. I am a nurse in the emergency department. I strive to do what’s right even when no one is watching. Our reward comes from the Lord. “But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised”. I am the ER nurse who fears the Lord. Lets pray,

Father, we thank you for giving us comfort when we needed it most. Father God I am grateful for the life I have in you. Lord, I will always live to honor you and bless others with my calling as a nurse. I pray for this world where all we face is favoritism and much injustice. Lord, I ask for anyone who has been facing injustice, anyone who is going through a breakthrough. Lord give them peace. Give them your favor. Help us Lord to defend the vulnerable and oppressed and never turn a blind eye to the suffering around us. Jesus, we need you in this dark generation. We pray that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit, empowering us to the work of justice with love and compassion. I pray for everyone reading that they may be touched to do what's right. In the name of Jesus I pray that we always act with integrity and humility but most importantly  I pray for my enemies salvation in the name of Jesus. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

When forgiving is your only option!

 When forgiving is your only option!

They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, 29 and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said. 30 They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again. 31 After they had mocked him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they led him away to crucify him.

 ~ Mathew 27:28-31

When we are faced with a deep hurt that shakes us at our core we wonder if forgiveness is even possible. Forgiveness is not the same as condoning the action, excusing it, or saying it’s all right.  Knowing that Jesus died for our sins and that the bible clearly says: that we must forgive 70X7 makes us think how?  Is even harder when the offender doesn't even acknowledge that they made a mistake. 

Unfortunately, we all know that as believers we will be judged even harder. They all expect you to do things different and to be the one to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. Maybe at this moment you're wondering how and why?  “Let God forgive them; because I can not forgive”. “I forgive but don't forget”.  “Eye for eye”.  The bible says: Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written. “It is mine to avenge; I will repay”, says the Lord. 

We need to remember that we’ve hurt someone, or someone has hurt us. Either way forgiveness is crucial. We can not pray knowing that we have bitterness or unforgiveness in our heart. When we are laced with unforgiveness, we cannot even realize how tight our minds remain clamped around the necks of those who have wronged us.  As a little girl, I recall seeing so many people who were always angry, cursing and very violent people. They need Jesus as much as I do. I don't understand why people can be so angry and bitter, and at times turn their anger into violence. People who are and have been angry for years. I refuse to be a slave. I am free. 

For years, I have had to learn the importance of forgiveness and freedom. I know that until Jesus returns I will have to forgive over and over again. This is also part of God's purpose and plan. I am not perfect. I have made so many mistakes that I am not proud of. What I do know is that Jesus had to forgive even when one of his disciples betrayed him.  When I think about Jesus' crucifixion, and how he died for my sins, it makes me kneel down and just say “forgive me Lord”.  Can you remember Jesus' pain and agony? He had already been beaten, spit on, whipped on until his flesh was shredded, a crown of thorns pushed into his skull, carried his cross and then was nailed. 

In the middle of all this torture, as he was dying. He asks for God's help by praying. “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:24).  

 I don't want to be left behind for the lock of forgiveness, knowing that the time is near.  Do You? 

Let's pray, together. 

Heavenly father, please forgive me. Jesus I need you. Please heal me. Let me be free. I want to forgive and I want to forget and I know Jesus that this can be possible only with you. Lord, I know that you love the people who have offended and hurt us. Lord please forgive them. Jesus helped us to continue on the pathway toward true freedom in forgiveness. I know Jesus is coming soon and I want to be transformed while I am here. Today I am free. Thank you Jesus for forgiving me and those who hurt me. I love you Jesus. Thank you for your grace. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Jesus fights for you!

Jesus fights for you! 

Psalm 18:17 Amp

He rescued me from my strong enemy,

And from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me

~Mather 5:38-48 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’  But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.  

Someone once said: “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” This phrase is used to encourage optimism and a positive attitude when faced with adversity.  Making lemonade is using adversity to bring out something good. We all have to face adversity one way or another. When Jesus said that in this life you will be faced with persecution. Jesus told us that we will be hated; but he assured us that those who stand firm until the end will be saved.  It is very difficult to be hated, and to still love people even when you know that they are indifferent towards you. How do you deal with difficult people when you know that they are all against you and hate you? How do you manage difficult people that try every way to mistreat you at any cause? Jesus told us to pray for those who persecute you. This can be a challenge at times. How do we Love? How easy is it to Love those who Love us? But there is no reward in Loving those who love us. We find reward when we Love those who persecute us. “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous”.  We can all relate.  These people are also loved by a merciful God.  It’s been a while since my last blog; today in Butterfly by Grace “Mommy & daughter blog” I want you to pray for those who are persecuting you; pray for the unseen, pray for your enemies; pray for every tongue that rises against you in judgment. If you are feeling discouraged; remember that you have a faithful judge who fights for you. The Lord detest lying lips; but those that deal with truth are his delight. 

Lets pray,

Father God we come to you for help, we know that this mountain at times seems too big. My enemies laugh. Father, we pray that you Lord take control of every enemy that rises against your people, We pray that you reveal even those who are secretly plotting against us. In Jesus name no weapon that is formed against us shall not succeed and every tongue that rises in judgment against your children should not prosper. Father God; we believe that this is the heritage of your servants in Jesus name. Amen 



Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Don't sit there watching the clouds!


Ecclesiastes 11:4⛅

Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.

Most of us put unpleasant things off. Do you? Those things that we dislike we put them off. If I have a task to do that I know it is not pleasant; for example my dentist appointments  I dislike, but are necessary important appointments. On the other hand we have those who like to procrastinate doing things that are really important and should not wait. For example studying when you know that you have a test. Procrastinating just makes me inpatient. I like to take care of things that I consider are important to me. When I was going to college I always submitted my papers on time. I didn't want to wait if I knew that I had an upcoming exam. I really needed extra time to study. It's easy to avoid conflict. It's easy to put an uncomfortable task off. Today in this blog we are talking about your dreams and goals. Those that you put off waiting for the perfect time. Remember that God is with you and that the enemy has been trying to stop you or discourage you. I want you to stop and think for a moment about what has stopped you from becoming successful and accomplishing your dreams. When you are facing oppression there must be something that the enemy doesn't want you to have.  But, if you know that God has promised to be with you everyday of your life, Why are you waiting? Why are you still there? Just believe, and Do it. Today just take the next step and do what God says. He will give you the victory if you don’t give up too soon. Stop putting it off. Stop making excuses. If others can be successful, If others are living their dreams; so can you. When you have faith; nothing is impossible.  Do you like to plant? Do you like flowers? Do you like to water your garden? Are you like my husband who always likes to water his plants and not only he water his plants but he also likes to talk to his plants and bring life to them by just saying positive things.  Every year, at the beginning of the growing season, farmers go out and work the fields. They wait for the rain to see their seeds. If the rain doesn't come, the plants die. To plant you must be dedicated and work hard. The farmers don't abandon hope, but instead they plant and plant again until the cops grow and overflow. The wind and clouds are the things that the enemy wants to take our focus away. Today, God wants your trust. We can't put things off until the conditions are just right. Take a step of faith and know that God is with you.  God will gives you the resources and strategies to be successful. Don't just wait until you have more time. Solomon teaches us in the book of Ecclesiastes to have faith and take the first step, even when you can't see how everything will work out in the end. Just believe that Jesus has overcome, you can do this if you believe. Don't procrastinate, be watchful of the enemy who really enjoys seeing you do nothing about it. Today, take a step of faith and fight against all odds.  Don't sit there watching the clouds. Let's pray.

Father God thank you for giving me the strategies to start over. I know that you have overcome anything that may try to interrupt my plans. I ask you Jesus for your favor and grace throughout this Journey. I will not procrastinate and wait. I will rise up in faith and move forward with your help. In the name of Jesus. Amen…


¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃 No tengan nada que ver con las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien denúncienlas. ~ Ef...