Sunday, September 8, 2024

A New Nurse Appointed God's timing in the ER!

 A New Nurse Appointed Gods timing in the ER

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  ~Colossians 3:23-24

I have read so many times about new nurses' discouragement and unhappiness in their first year; I have never thought that I would be writing about my journey as a new nurse resident in the emergency department. I pray that any nurse, new or old, would be edified by this blog Butterfly by Grace “Mommy and daughter" blog.  

In a conducted survey regarding newly graduated nurses readiness to practice in the hospital setting, only 10% of nurses executives believed that new graduate nurses were fully prepared to practice safely and effectively. Many new nurses agreed that they lack confidence and adequate skills for up to a year or two after graduation.  Many new nurses all around the world express disillusionment about scheduling, lack of autonomous practice, and the lack of intrinsic and extrinsic workplace rewards. New nurses report dissatisfying relationships with peers, managers, and inter professional colleagues and insufficient time with patients. The American Nurse Association (ANA) wrote recently an article on (End Nurse Abuse). Their article focuses on new nurses being bullied by the old nurses. The Nursing administration also wrote an article title: “Our Own Worst Enemies The Nurse Bullying Epidemic”. Working in a secular job can be a true challenge but not impossible. “With God all things are possible”.  For a believer nurse, prayer is crucial, prayer is key. Prayer is the only tool that works. 

Everyone has a story about why they chose to become a nurse. Without a doubt, nursing is a profession of service to others. It can be an expression of the Christian faith. As a nurse, patients put their care in our hands.  I have always prayed for God to grant me knowledge and wisdom, especially to help me remember the true purpose of my vocation.  My focus is to be patient-centered care, inspired by the qualities of Christ and influenced by the presence of the holy spirit. Patients are in their most vulnerable states and need nothing more than to be in a warm and welcoming environment that is free from added and unnecessary stress. The need to feel that they are safe. 

In this day and age, talking about God and asking about someone's faith is sometimes seen as offensive. I was an emergency tech about 1 year before I became a registered nurse. I would get home exhausted around 8 a.m to sleep and do it all over again for the next two days. It was  difficult to work a shift that I have never worked as a new nurse to learn and train. My faith has been shaken. Faith is not faith unless it is touched. I still glorify God for my job.  I was happy until I became a registered nurse in the emergency department. I can not imagine one day without prayer. Going to work was like going to war. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil”. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil”. I lost 20 pounds. I was so discouraged. It became a real fight.  I remember taking a minute in the bathroom to just cry out.  I even doubt my calling to be a nurse.  As a new nurse you should not be expected to know everything.  I was an emergency tech before so I have struggled to delegate to my co-workers who now see me as a nurse.  I was coming to work and already feeling the burn out from not delegating. I was doing my patients EKGs on chest pain, instead of delegating to our techs or asking for help.

I was drowning. The people who are called “preceptors" need to remain with fear of the Lord. They need to remember that once, they were in our shoes too.  They need to be compassionate and lawful.  I will protect my license with my life. I work very hard to become a registered nurse. I will continue to face many challenges; but I will remain faithful to God. I will always be a faithful  and prudent nurse.

As a former tech we know that chest pain takes priority.  When I was a tech, no one needed to tell me that my patient needs an EKG because I already knew that this could be an ST-elevation myocardial infarction code (STEMI).  I was feeling the burn out and the discouragement.  Many new nurses all around the world are facing some kind of discrimination by nurse leaders or old nurses eating up the new nurses, because they expect you to know it all. As a new nurse you should not have to feel that you're locked in a cage with lions. “He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge”. You are not alone. I know I felt at one point abandoned and alone. I couldn't trust not even those in higher positions. We really are living the last days. “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace”.  Be strong and let your heart take courage.  

I learned that prayer kept me going. Without prayer I have probably become one of our emergency department confused patients. They really took the best of me. I was given the opportunity to resign and I humbly did. “What you meant for evil., God turned for my good! The emergency department is my passion. I am still an emergency department nurse. I learned that prayer is meant to change your heart. Nurses have a profound potential to stop this injustice before it worsens. We need leaders who can advocate for justice. One of the often overlooked areas in which nurses are influential is helping to address injustice. Everyone seems to be so scared to address injustice. God’s view of injustice is clear; he hates and renounces it because injustice perverts his world.  Yes injustice is the unjustified treatment of others through false accusations or unnecessarily inflicting pain or punishment. “ Let the fear of the Lord be upon you. Be careful what you do, for there is no injustice with the Lord our God”. I pray for leaders to get wisdom, grace, humility, truthfulness, safety, health, and most importantly, salvation.  

God brought Israel out of exile, and he will bring us out of exile too. Life may not unfold how we expected, but if we find ourselves in a toxic place where you are not being appreciated, we can still trust God has equipped every nurse not only to survive but thrive. If you are not feeling welcome, If you are not feeling loved or appreciated; keep praying and let God judge them. When those false accusations arise, keep calm and turn it to God. “Better is a little with righteousness than great with injustice”.  Never stop doing what you can not go one minute without thinking about it. I am a nurse in the emergency department. I strive to do what’s right even when no one is watching. Our reward comes from the Lord. “But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised”. I am the ER nurse who fears the Lord. Lets pray,

Father, we thank you for giving us comfort when we needed it most. Father God I am grateful for the life I have in you. Lord, I will always live to honor you and bless others with my calling as a nurse. I pray for this world where all we face is favoritism and much injustice. Lord, I ask for anyone who has been facing injustice, anyone who is going through a breakthrough. Lord give them peace. Give them your favor. Help us Lord to defend the vulnerable and oppressed and never turn a blind eye to the suffering around us. Jesus, we need you in this dark generation. We pray that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit, empowering us to the work of justice with love and compassion. I pray for everyone reading that they may be touched to do what's right. In the name of Jesus I pray that we always act with integrity and humility but most importantly  I pray for my enemies salvation in the name of Jesus. 

1 comment:

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃

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