Friday, March 22, 2024

The Breakthrough!

 I love you, LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:1-2

Someone once said: “Don't forget about God when you get what you prayed for”. My first day in the nursing residency was a day full of joy. I waited four years for this dream to come true. I cried for years and felt defeated. I was in a very difficult place. From January to December not moving forward nor backwards. It was a very difficult time for me. I saw many colleagues move on, grow tremendously in their career. I had a faith smaller than a mustard seed. For years I shut down from social media, family and friends. I was at my lowest point. “My God. My God. why have you forsaken me”. Whether it's feeling like a failure in specific areas or in general, we are feeling burdened with not being able to get things right, not doing enough, or not being like that woman of God over there who seems to have everything together. We know that the feeling of failure is not from God; it is from the enemy. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue to continue that counts”. The bible says: “For which much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief:. One thing I know for sure: prayer works. There were times that I felt that my prayers were touching the sealing of my house and others I felt like God was not listening. Let's face it. We don't always pray the same way and with the same authority. There were times in my journey that all I was able to do was cry and worship. Today, I understood that what the enemy meant for evil against me, God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people would hear my testimony through my book first time author and through my testimony. In “Butterfly by Grace Mommy and daughter blog” I want you to know that God sees you and he really cares. My first day in the nurse residency reminded me how faithful our God is. He remains faithful even when we are not. Don't ever underestimate the power of prayer. Keep pushing forward. My first day of residency, I was fearful. As I drove down the parkway, tears of joy came down my cheek. I was reminded of my dreams and prophetic words that manifested four years later. I pray and fast. I dedicated my four years to keep studying, writing my journey and preaching the gospel. There were days I was strong; and others I was weak. But, I always gave him my best worship. I declare that my miracle was coming even when I didn't even see it. I bought my uniform and walked around my room with it. I said Yes and Amen. I will declare everyday: “You are the God of miracles” “You are way maker” The more I worship the more I fail. I was unstoppable. I know that my God is my redeemer and that he lives. He is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. He is king and he never lost a battle. I pray for my heart. I pray for humbleness and as I prayed I had to forgive. I was transformed. He turned my mourning into dancing, he loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness. My breakthrough came. Lets pray,

Dear God,

Today I just want to worship you. Father God answered my prayer. You delivered me. I will forever worship you. Today, I pray for everyone reading this blog; Lord, I am asking you to attend their cries. Listen, father as they call on you. Father God I know that you are listening I know that you are faithful. Your word says: if we have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain; move from here to there; and it will move. Today, I stand by faith with all of those who are reading this blog and are asking for a breakthrough. All those who need Jesus, those who call on you Jesus their faces are never covered with shame. I pray and declare miracles. Jesus you are one who the winds and waves obey. Is there anything impossible for God? Just believe. In the name of Jesus. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen
    Our life in Christ is a testimony of how faithful God is. 🙌


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