Saturday, January 13, 2024

Patiently Waiting!

 Isaiah 40:29-31

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not faint.

In November 2023 I had surgery for tendonitis. I was supposed to be out of work for only two weeks, unfortunately, two weeks became two months. At first , I was disappointed; but  I decided to take the time to clean the house for Christmas and decorate. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God.  

We like to make plans but God always has a better plan. I was waiting for my Registered Nurse License from New Jersey and didn't know that It was going to take so long. I was offered a position to start in the Emergency Department Residency December 5th. Sadly, I was put out of work on a leave of absence. My doctor sent me to start physical therapy; My New Jersey license was pending, while I was still on leave of absence . My New York license arrived but, in order for me to work; I needed a New Jersey license.  I had it all planned. The unexpected happened. I was taken another month out of work, two weeks became three months and still counting. 

“We can make plans, but the Lord determines our step. Pain can serve as a warning that something in the body is wrong. After a physical injury or surgery, however, discomfort is often part of the journey toward recovery. On December 5th my husband suffered a tragic accident. His lane was invaded by a distractor driver who was texting. His truck was totally lost and he was rushed to the Emergency Department by ambulance. He suffered a concussion, fracture, herniated disc and left wrist fracture. He is a true testimony, for the Glory of God. Lord preserve his life. We are both injured and out of work. In all this unexpected situation; Not even one time we complain, but many praise to God. We visit the doctor together, continue to pray and grow old together while we recover. Those who know me, know my good sense of humor. At times,  while my husband was in pain; I would tell him “You love me so much that you had to copycat with the same left wrist hand.” We were both struggling with our left hand. My husband had a brace and I had stitches and discomfort. We took January to fast 21 days, pray and wait, while God fights for us. Christmas was a challenge,  nothing of what we plan or imagine,  but God is our provider, our Jehovah Jireh. We had food in abundance and managed to still gather with family and friends for the Glory of God. 

We both learn that discomfort is often part of the journey toward recovery. At such times, many people might be tempted to let pain keep from working through the rehabilitation process to regain strength and mobility. 

My physical therapists constantly challenge me to push just past my comfort zone. They know that a good outcome depends on more than enduring pain once or twice and then quitting before recovery is complete. Successful rehab is dependent on the patient's hope for a better full recovery. In other words, I must look beyond my uncomfortable or painful present circumstances.  

Isaiah recognized that even strong young people have limitations. God understands that we don't like waiting. The Lord knows that waiting can be even more spiritually emotionally uncomfortable than trying to push through exhaustion in our own strength. “The end of something is better than its beginning. Patience is better than pride.”

Today, readers trust God with all your heart. God always has a plan. We have to trust and praise him while we wait for the victory to come. He knows that you are waiting and you are uncomfortable. Remember, Israel all they did was complain about everything and became spiritual blind. Not even once they thank the Lord. “The Lord became very angry, and this made Moses very upset.” Stay focused, praise him while you wait. Be thankful in every circumstance, because victory belongs to the Lord.  

Lets pray,

Father, I am sorry that I complained. I am sorry If I doubt your plan. Sorry for my selfishness. Today, I come to you to praise you and thank you. Help my faith and please help me to gain patience. Jesus you are my anchor. I will trust you and I will wait on you. Jesus, I know your plans are always better. Thank you for all you have done. Thank you for the healing. Jesus, I love you and I will forever praise you in the storm. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

New mercies every morning!


“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” 

~Lamentations 3:22-23

Each day comes with different challenges. But he is faithful. Each morning is a new opportunity to reflect on God's work in your life. He who made the promise remains faithful. 

Start each day to focus on your blessings. Look around and see all he has done. Sometimes, we focus on the problems that arise each day; we focus on how to resolve that little problem that doesn't allow us to be grateful. 

This is a new year where we don't know what's ahead; The steps of man are established by the Lord. He knows what we need each day and what's good for each and one of us. Each day has enough trouble of its own. 

We can rely on God. Trust that he is fighting for us each day. Today, take time to hold on to his promises. Let's start the new year with a fresh start by making him a priority and the center of it all. The psalmist says “you know my sitting down and when I rise up, you know my thoughts even when I am far away, you know when I lay down”. 

Lets pray,

Thank you, Jesus, for pushing me, I want to know you and follow you. Help me, give me courage to stand firm, give me the tools to fight this year with the correct tools. Jesus I know you are fighting my battles and you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Lord, this new year I want to get to know you, I want to trust your plan for this year. Jesus I love you and I will forever praise your holy name.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, January 8, 2024

A New Thing!

 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert”. Isaiah 43:19

As the new year begins 2024 let's embrace together all the good promises that God has for us each day. We need to continually remind ourselves that we are not forgiving the way blindly, that God already has offered our steps and we follow after him. He makes the way where there is no way. 

We can reflect on the fact that Jesus was the new thing. That no longer would God's people have the same path to atonement of sacrifice, but that God would do all that was necessary for total atonement and sacrifice. What new things is he doing this year on your behalf?

Many people all around the world look forward to a new year. This is because the previous year was not their best. The new year means new things. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is an annual observance celebrated by Jesish people across the world. Translated from Hebrew it means “head of the year”. Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of 10 days of repentance of Judaism. This period culminates with Yom Kippur, a holiday which sees Jewish people fast and pray to atone for their sins. In the Hebrew calendar we are in year 5,784 and in the Roman calendar we are in 3,2024. It's very important to know where in the calendar we are. 

As followers of Jesus Christ we can trust God's words. This should help us get through 2024. We should trust his promises and know that God always keeps his promises because “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: he said, and should he not do it? We desire for every little thing to be right, but when selfish desires overlap that's impossible. We cannot do this ourselves. We have to rely on him, the one who is perfect and knows our hearts. He is perfect, holy and righteous. Let's take time this year to make a difference in someone's life. Today I would like for you to think about forgiveness. Let’s do this together. I would like to share soon my big testimony with all readers. Take time to think about someone who hurt you, betrayed you perhaps, broke your heart. Think about those we hurt in the past. Let's read the bible everyday and ask for the eyes that see all. 

This year, God is doing something new in you. Just Believe.

Lets pray,

Father God, thank you for the new year. Thank you for a new year full of opportunities and purpose. I will embrace your promises. I will follow you, father God. Help me not fall into temptation. Help me to forgive those who really left scars in my heart. Lord, this year help me get closer to you by praying and fasting. Help me read the word of God for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Lord, help me forgive. I refuse to start this year in bitterness. I refuse to stay the same. Give me the eyes that can see the good in people. Help me have the hunger for you everyday to seek in you in prayer and thanksgiving. I love you Jesus. I praise your holy name, In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Beginning

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. ~Genesis 1: 1

We wish you a happy new year! Butterfly by Grace “Mommy and daughter” blog looks forward to the new beginning that every January brings and we hope you’re filled with faith and confidence as well. 

For many people the new year is a total new look. For others, the new year is making a resolution. The new year can be foolish without putting God first and making him the center of it all. I think that resolutions are quickly forgotten or abandoned, but that doesnt mean the whole practice is a waste of time. It's a way of setting your course in the right direction for the coming months. If you don't make plans for improvement, the only alternative is to drift along doing the same things you’ve done before whether or not they’ve fruitful. 

As the old year transitions into the new, take some time to evaluate your life. Today,  I like all readers to consider connecting with God more and more this year, on a deeper spiritual level. What did you achieve last year? Paul said: “Whatever things were gained to me, these things I have counted as loss because of Christ’.

Do you consider any of these things in 2024; career, family, financial, material social goals more important to you than gaining deeper knowledge, and intimacy with your savior? Most Christians, would say that Christ is their priority, but, true is the way they invest time and their actions and effort indicates otherwise.

In the beginning the earth was empty, darkness was over the surface.  This is exactly the way Jesus found us. In a big mess, dirty and all over the place. Sometimes, we need to examine our hearts. Allow this year to get to know the creator. Get closer to him by fasting and  praying.  My year begins with fasting 21 days. Praying, fasting and reading the bible. I encourage you all to do the same. If you can not fast for 21 days, because of medical reason; then I encourage you to fast what you love the most. Try to change your routine. You can read a different book in the bible everyday, or stay away from social media for 21 days. Our body needs detoxification. We fast because we want to be strong when the enemy tries to attack us. We fast to be ready for everything 2024 may bring, knowing that fasting and prayers make us strong. Is knowing God better honestly your primary goal? I pray it is. Many make resolutions of reading the entitled bible again for one year.  Others make different reading goals. But, this is not sufficient. Yes, It's a good start.  People of God, there has to be a real change. I encourage you all to make this year 2024 the year of the change. 

Lets pray,

Father God thank you for allowing us to see another year. We know that you created everything new Lord and that you gave us hope. We ask you Lord to help us get closer to you in prayer and supplication. Give us the strength we need to finish the 21 day fast. We know we don't fast to change any circumstances; instead to have a close relationship with you Lord. God help us understand the times. Help us seek you with all our hearts. We love you God. Thank you for your love and mercy in the name of Jesus. Amen.

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃

¿Debe la iglesia celebrar Halloween? 🎃 No tengan nada que ver con las obras infructuosas de las tinieblas, sino más bien denúncienlas. ~ Ef...